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Have you ever thought ‘I haven’t touched my super fund since I opened it!’ or ‘I don’t know where all my super is!’ – We can assist.  Our qualified Financial Planners can track down your superannuation funds (even if there are multiple), then advise you the best way to combine them for the best financial outcome.


Superannuation is your retirement nest egg – it is what you will live on after you finish work. Although you may think that is many years away, getting it well organised now can actually make you thousands more for your retirement. Talk to our advisors today to start this process.

Superannuation Flyers available for download below:

Self-Managed Super Funds

Our SMSF Specialists can help you with all aspects of a self managed super fund. Whether you're looking to buy a farm, a property or invest elsewhere we can make sure your SMSF is fully compliant.

Self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) continue to grow in popularity due to the investment options and flexibility they can offer. If you’re considering going down the path of an SMSF but don’t know where to start, Mulcahy & Co offers all-inclusive SMSF packages, advice and support.


Did you know that at 31st December, 2009, there was $1.23 trillion invested in superannuation and almost one third, $384 billion, of these retirement savings was held in SMSFs? SMSFs now represent the largest slice of the superannuation industry.


At Mulcahy & Co, we offer comprehensive SMSF packages, tailored to your personal needs. Whether you are a business owner, farmer, wage earner, a retiree or planning for retirement, we can show you how a SMSF can be used to help you achieve investment goals with lower fees and more investment options.


Our financial planners and financial advisers provide you with the following SMSF advice and support:

  • Financial planning advice including investments and planning
  • Administration and management of the fund’s paperwork and SMSF compliance requirements
  • Access to proactive advice from our four divisions
  • Did you know a SMSF can borrow money to make investments? We can provide you with an analysis to show you how this can work from a cashflow and tax point of view

SMSF Flyers available for download below:


Financial Planning Services

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