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Business Planning

Starting, buying or selling a business? Our business planners can help with all your business planning needs.

At Mulcahy & Co, we understand that business owners face a lot of challenges. After all, we are business owners ourselves. On top of our qualifications and training, our experience in setting up and managing a business positions us as your best choice when it comes to choosing business planners.

Owning a business is demanding and time consuming. These demands often see you immersed in day-to-day problems or putting out business fires instead of working on the business to improve its value and securing its future. If you’re getting worn down and drawn away from focusing on the big picture, Mulcahy & Co’s business planners can help. We can carry out an initial business health check to see where things are going wrong, what needs to improve and where the business is excelling.

At Mulcahy & Co, we encourage business owners to reflect on their goals and vision for their business when they first started out. If a business owner isn’t achieving or on track towards achieving their goals, seeing our business planners is the first step in the right direction.

It is easy to lose sight of what you set out to achieve. Take back control of your business direction by undertaking a strategic planning review with one of our professional business planners. Mulcahy & Co’s business planners can help you document how you want the business to look in 12 months, three years or even five years by looking at developing/refining the business strategy, monitoring and reporting, performance improvement and team building.

Seeing one of the specialist business planners at Mulcahy & Co is the first step in ensuring that your business is working towards achieving your personal goals.

Business Planning

Mulcahy & Co Accounting - Business Planning

Starting a business

Planning is essential before taking the giant leap into starting up a new business.
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Building a business

To build your existing business into a successful operation, you need to develop an elite team. 
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Strategic Planning

Setting a clear and documented strategic direction for a business is critical. It is also a major area of frustration and struggle for numerous businesses.
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Business Health Check

Implementing a good business strategy is an integral part of developing a successful business. Start creating a healthy business today by getting your free health check.
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Succession Planning

Have you considered what will happen when it becomes time to move on from  managing your business?
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Buying and selling

It is forecast that up to 7 out of 10
business owners will look to retire
or exit their business over the next
ten years. The question is what
will happen to these businesses? 
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