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Business Planning

Cloud Accounting - Xero

At Mulcahy & Co, we are proud to partner with leading software providers, including Xero, to deliver the benefits of cloud accounting to our clients.  From Single Touch Payroll, to point of sale (POS) solutions, cloud accounting can simplify and secure all aspects of your business processes.

Xero Software Specialists

Xero’s cloud software collaborates all the information accountants need in one simple and user-friendly platform. Cloud accounting with Xero software allows businesses to manage client accounts and internal workflow with ease. At Mulcahy & Co, we can’t recommend Xero software enough for cloud accounting. We also offer Xero software setup for our Xero bookkeeping services.

Large businesses have been using private clouds for many years to help facilitate multiple users accessing central business systems at the one time. Now we are seeing the emergence of a number of affordable solutions for small to medium businesses, so that you can take advantage of the same technology big businesses use to drive efficiency, enhance the customer experience and keep up with the competition.

We are experts when it comes to cloud accounting and Xero software setup. We can provide assistance and support in tailoring a cloud accounting software setup that will revolutionise the way you do business.
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